Toggle Original Post

No, it is just common sense. None of the rage threads has any meaning but making the situation toxic for everyone else trying to deal with circumstances and having a good time.

If you dont like they way the game works it is fine. But noone cares. either you give feedback they can use to improve things or you just stfu and go elsewhere.

achgehzu0815 Original Comment

You do understand that they've spent money on this game, so that they can play it?
You also understand that you being a fanboy and insulting other people that supported this game, that you so desperately defend, doesn't help the game itself in terms of devs getting their shit together and fixing pressing issues that make the game completely unplayable?

Assuming that you're intelligent enough to understand those two points, then it should become clear to you that it is you that should STFU and go back into your corner.

BUT: If you're willing to give everyone the money for the refund that steam won't grant them, then you can come and tell us to fuck off. Otherwise you're just a little fanboy that should absolutely not talk back to the people that are pissed off because they can't play the game they've spent money on.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

For when launch the PvP???....Is the best idea. For me, sure.

I waiting...

Thx, Wolcen

Nice job with the fixes


Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Hey all. Thanks for the update, but i am afraid, it's still there a problem with servers. I am getting randomly DC (more often in dungeons) from server. It looks like everything stops moving, and then after some delay i can see the dialog - You have been disconnected. Tried more servers ( all EU servers ) and even USA (for purpose of testing) and it happens randomly. Doesn't matter what i do, or where i am. Sometimes it do one time in hour, then three times in a 15 minutes. It's a terrible thing and pretty annonying. I am sure i am not alone as i saw many messages about this. Lost progress, expedition because of that. I am not flaming or so, but i would like to see if there will be fix soon for that. I know, u are busy with fixing other things, but servers should be priority. Before you would like to say it's my net, it isn't. Everything else (other games / net) works absolutely flawlessl (no packet loss, good jitter and ping). So this is from Wolcen server side, or game itself.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

I am not seeing any change in performace with the build im running..... the servers just cant keep up with the dmg. I do appreciate the attempt at making it better though. I am sure it is better in some aspects, but i currently see no change.

(Edited 4 years, 1 month ago)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Keep it up, thanks! You're able to roll out multiple patches/week now or something? I thought it was 1/week but it seems like you ramped up the ability to roll things out.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

"Fingers crossed for a pacified aurora knight nerf... Fingers crossed for a pacified aurora knight nerf... Fingers crossed for a pacified aurora knight nerf... Fingers crossed for a pacified aurora knight nerf... Fingers crossed for a pacified aurora knight nerf... Fingers crossed for a pacified aurora knight nerf... :D

(but then again, keep the current one somewhere, as a challenge, i WANT to kick his ass at least once!)"

wasnt he nerfed already?

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

okay..., pls to next patch fix quality bug , we cant add legendaire item for add quality , and plss reduce to 0.5 from 2.2 cost rage for the first hammer skill warrior

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Nerf is coming... Stop nerfing the game, unless you want people to join Diablo 3 season on friday. I just hope you dont nerf the build I play, it sucks to use 200+ hours on a build that gets nerfed, prople want game fix not nerfing, so I really hope balancing means buff other builds than nerfing the good ones.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Em postuguês - PTBR

Vocês estão demorando demais para aplicar correções. Vocês tem a obrigação de trabalhar mais rápido e com mais eficiência. Não comprei o jogo para ficar esperando correções, comprei o jogo para jogar. É por isso que mais da metade já abandonou o game! Ainda estou tendo muita paciência. E não aceito que fanboy venha falar que "os caras tinham um sonho em criar um game com pouco dinheiro". Todo mundo tem sonhos, só não vai tentar realizar as custas dos outros.

In English

You are taking too long to apply corrections. You have an obligation to work faster and more efficiently. I didn't buy the game to wait for corrections, I bought the game to play. That's why more than half have left the game! I'm still having a lot of patience. And I do not accept that fanboy comes to say that "the guys had a dream to create a game with little money". Everyone has dreams, they just won't try to realize the expense of others.

phmarj Original Comment

Bro. No one has an obligation to work faster just because you paid for something. Welcome to the real world, things are not always perfect. You don't have a right to talk to people like this... you simply have the FREEDOM to. It doesn't matter what you paid or did to get a copy of this game, you can sit and wait for things to happen at the developers' pace, or you can choose to be an unhappy, toxic mess. You're not encouraging them to realize their full potential by pretending to be their boss. Trust me, I am a dev (not a Wolcen dev), and your approach sucks. Devs are people, afterall!
But hey, this is the Internet. You're free to be a douchy hate-nozzle... and I'm free to call you out on it. Maybe if things being less-than-perfect triggers you this much, you should take a break and go outside.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

You do understand that they've spent money on this game, so that they can play it?
You also understand that you being a fanboy and insulting other people that supported this game, that you so desperately defend, doesn't help the game itself in terms of devs getting their shit together and fixing pressing issues that make the game completely unplayable?

Assuming that you're intelligent enough to understand those two points, then it should become clear to you that it is you that should STFU and go back into your corner.

BUT: If you're willing to give everyone the money for the refund that steam won't grant them, then you can come and tell us to fuck off. Otherwise you're just a little fanboy that should absolutely not talk back to the people that are pissed off because they can't play the game they've spent money on.

xaendark Original Comment

Do you know what I like more than people telling other people to go back to their corners, on the Internet?


I hear people have spent money on lots of things that have been a net gain or loss. This isn't a fanboy vs. reality issue, it's just REALITY. The game has bugs... I still play it for hours and have a great time. If it pissed me off, I'd just move on. Life is too short to get angry and sour and tell other people to work harder because "I paid you!!!!" As a dev, I really, really love it when users pull that shit. And even if the game was flawless, users would complain... because some people are rotten inside and feel entitled to boss others around. So, fuck 'em... it's a free Internet, say what you want, but don't tell anyone else to shut up if you're not willing to do the same.
This is a PSA on how to be happier... don't steep yourself in hate. Move on.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Yes I still encounter lag issues. I am running 70FPS on my video card and it doesn't normally go much below 50FPS. My game latency is around 70ms. If I gather a mob of 20 plus monsters and explode them with Juggernaut it can take 30+ seconds for the game to catch up, during that time I can't pick anything up or inflict any damage but I can die. This situation gets even worse multiplayer and impossible if the other players are from another county, then it can take 60-120+ seconds if it ever catches up at all.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Bro. No one has an obligation to work faster just because you paid for something. Welcome to the real world, things are not always perfect. You don't have a right to talk to people like this... you simply have the FREEDOM to. It doesn't matter what you paid or did to get a copy of this game, you can sit and wait for things to happen at the developers' pace, or you can choose to be an unhappy, toxic mess. You're not encouraging them to realize their full potential by pretending to be their boss. Trust me, I am a dev (not a Wolcen dev), and your approach sucks. Devs are people, afterall!
But hey, this is the Internet. You're free to be a douchy hate-nozzle... and I'm free to call you out on it. Maybe if things being less-than-perfect triggers you this much, you should take a break and go outside.

Tarjmolden Original Comment

Em português - PTBR

Cara, se você também não trabalha para eles e não faz parte da equipe de desenvolvedores, fica no seu canto e não se envolve no meu assunto com os desenvolvedores, não me interessa como você vê seu mundo ou vive nele, isso é problema seu. Estou cobrando deles e não de você. Eles obrigação deles trabalhar rápido, com eficiência e melhor. E tem mais, eles tem que ser bem melhores do que estão sendo agora, em respeito ao investimento que milhares de jogadores fizeram neles e em respeito aos jogaores que ainda estão esperando algo de bom deles. Não estou aqui para fazer caridade e não estou pedindo favor a ninguém, estou exigindo respostas rápidas. Simples de entender, só não entende quem não quer entender ou se faz de tolo.

In English

Man, if you don't work for them and you're not part of the developer team, stay in your corner and don't get involved in my subject with the developers, I don't care how you see your world or live in it, that's your problem. I'm charging them and not you. They must work fast, efficiently and better. What's more, they have to be much better than they are now, out of respect for the investment that thousands of players have made in them and out of respect for the players who are still expecting something good from them. I'm not here to do charity and I'm not asking anyone for favor, I'm demanding quick answers. Simple to understand, he just doesn't understand anyone who doesn't want to understand or makes a fool of himself.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Ever since the hotfix, my game is laggier then ever. Me and my friend managed before the patch to play together decently well, but yesterday after the patch the lag was unbearable.
Plz unhotfix the game.
This game is from beginning a single player game unfortunately.
Add global chat, trade chat. Make it online please. I like the game, despite all the horrible things it has gone through.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

You do understand that they've spent money on this game, so that they can play it?
You also understand that you being a fanboy and insulting other people that supported this game, that you so desperately defend, doesn't help the game itself in terms of devs getting their shit together and fixing pressing issues that make the game completely unplayable?

Assuming that you're intelligent enough to understand those two points, then it should become clear to you that it is you that should STFU and go back into your corner.

BUT: If you're willing to give everyone the money for the refund that steam won't grant them, then you can come and tell us to fuck off. Otherwise you're just a little fanboy that should absolutely not talk back to the people that are pissed off because they can't play the game they've spent money on.

xaendark Original Comment

I don't understand why people crash a lot i am an endgame player and fight big groups of monsters also , but i had never a crash i am still happy with this game and wait patiently for what is to come, and i paid for this game too.
Yes there's still a lot to do for the devs in between i enjoy the game.

(Edited 4 years, 1 month ago)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Thanks for another hotfix and a patch this week! I really love the game so far and try to oversee all the bugs until they are fixed. Keep it going! ;)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Game still crashes at expeditions lvl 3... This should be one of the priority, since so many people have the same problem. We can't play end game because of this... Please fix it asap.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Em português

Cara, se você não trabalha para eles e não faz parte da equipe de desenvolvedores, fica no seu canto e não se mete no meu assunto. A mensagem que mandei é direcionada aos desenvolvedores, tenho certeza que eles podem responder por eles e não precisam de puxa-sacos para defende-los, ou será que precisam? Eles estão demorando demais para lançar as correções dos problemas e estão fazendo o trabalho deles com pouca eficiência. Eu tenho direito de reclamar e vou continuar reclamando, não estou desrespeitando ninguém, até porque, eu paguei e tenho direito de reclamar por algo funcionando corretamente para me trazer satisfação. O que eu vejo é o pessoal migrando para outro jogo e abandonando o Wolcen, a maioria nem quer ter o trabalho de entrar aqui no forum para reclamar, como estou fazendo, porque pensam que não vai dar em nada. Na verdade, esse pessoal tem razão, tem mais de um mês que o jogo foi lançado e ainda está lotado de sérios problemas. Quando converso com amigos, o assunto é sempre o mesmo, que o Wolcen está morto. É frustrante investir dinheiro em um game, esperar o melhor e receber um produto inacabado. Uma vergonha. Para finalizar, não sou fanboy de nenhum jogo e não sou HATER, repito, só estou reclamando porque investi meu dinheiro em algo que não está bom.

In English

Dude, if you don't work for them and you're not part of the developer team, stay in your corner and don't get into my subject. The message I sent is directed to the developers, I am sur…

phmarj Original Comment

with all the flaming, im sure they understood it more than anything that they need to fix things as soon as possible. I know you and quite a few people are upset about the game in its current state. But the devs are people too and they can only work as fast as people can. Also i have never seen people more motivated to work faster when order to or flamed to. Praises and patience does though, just a thought.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Em português - PTBR

Cara, se você também não trabalha para eles e não faz parte da equipe de desenvolvedores, fica no seu canto e não se envolve no meu assunto com os desenvolvedores, não me interessa como você vê seu mundo ou vive nele, isso é problema seu. Estou cobrando deles e não de você. Eles obrigação deles trabalhar rápido, com eficiência e melhor. E tem mais, eles tem que ser bem melhores do que estão sendo agora, em respeito ao investimento que milhares de jogadores fizeram neles e em respeito aos jogaores que ainda estão esperando algo de bom deles. Não estou aqui para fazer caridade e não estou pedindo favor a ninguém, estou exigindo respostas rápidas. Simples de entender, só não entende quem não quer entender ou se faz de tolo.

In English

Man, if you don't work for them and you're not part of the developer team, stay in your corner and don't get involved in my subject with the developers, I don't care how you see your world or live in it, that's your problem. I'm charging them and not you. They must work fast, efficiently and better. What's more, they have to be much better than they are now, out of respect for the investment that thousands of players have made in them and out of respect for the players who are still expecting something good from them. I'm not here to do charity and I'm not asking anyone for favor, I'm demanding quick answers. Simple to understand, he just doesn't understand anyone who doesn't want to understand or makes a fool of himself.

phmarj Original Comment

Bro. Just as you don't have to take my advise and improve your approach to criticism, you cannot possible believe for one second that I'm just going to tuck my tail and "stay in my corner" while you demand people work faster and harder for your $40!!! :) You're being toxic and ridiculous, at least come clean and own that.
BY THE WAY, are you on the dev team for Wolcen? No? Then I'm pretty sure you have zero idea how hard and fast they're actually working. Perhaps you should step off the gas and try to regain control of yourself, because you sound like a self-entitled narcissistic cry baby. You may not be, and I'm not calling you one, but... I am pointing out that your behavior makes you sound like one. FYI.
Have a great day!

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

i read again this thread and twitter thread , i dont understand how people get crash oO , i dont have that , just upgrade our pc or check your connection or i dont know

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

So i dunno what y'all fixed but im contsantly getting the invinciblity bug and its actually making clear slower. And second I CANNOT upgrade the quality of a legendary but it can still go in the upgrade rarity slot.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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