Act 3 Final Boss Encounter - Heimlock - Epic level of bugness

So i have bought this game a while back and played both Alpha and Beta, my personal hype for the game can not be understated and i have had a over my expectations expprience up until this point where im down to the last Boss - Heimlock (Sorry for spoilers :D).

It is super bugged if your character does ANY form of DoT damage, the fight is unplayable. When Heimlock ascends and is hit in the 1-3 following seconds, the fight bugs and he cant be killed and just stand there passive. I cant get to endgame because of this broken bossfight, which makes me really really sad :( But besides the not so few bugs and cosmetic errors, this game has the potential to be a extraordinary awesome game!

t is my hope that you can manage to siphon some of the newfound economical success back into the game, so that the game can be what we all want and hope it to be!!

Keep up the good work - And please fix this broken boss!


Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Change from normal to story mode. Made me beat him after ~15 tries.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Change from normal to story mode. Made me beat him after ~15 tries.

logicKnox Original Comment

mine is bugged in Story Mode.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

mine is bugged in Story Mode.

Jetah Original Comment

Oh, sorry. This bug is like a virus, evolving like one at least.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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