Bugs BUgs BUGs BUGS!!! (Part 2)

Here are few more to go with my original "Bugs BUgs BUGs BUGS" list. Again this is all multiplayer. Just me and my Dad.

Does anybody from WOLCEN read these?

1). Staircase missing Daybreak Valley (both sides) -> Shadron and Galatha
2). Whats with the item levels? I'm 27 -> 28 -> 29 and the items i find are still for 21. Scale them against the characters level + or - a level!!
3). Windows in game layer incorrectly. I'm trying to claim a prize (amulet) and when i mouse over it to see stats it covers the window of the item I'm wearing so i can't see it's stats.
4). I pick up a small item (gem) and it's hidden behind the pointer. You don't know you've picked it up.
5). Text wrong at jeweler. You click the first and 2nd TAB and the text stays the same. Maybe also add text box when mouse pointer hovers over tabs?
6). Items are character specific (i can't see theirs they can't see mine)... so why can't i pickup my item when other character is standing on it? Holding ALT and clicking text didn't help.
7). Hovered mouse pointer over Blood for Blood Bonus... text box came up and stayed on the screen for entire session.
8). Dad mid session lost ability to access inventory. Went to town to sell items. Still couldn't access anything. Clicked chest which displays for a split second and disappears? Is this another window layering issue. It pops up then goes behind main window? Had to close session and start again to fix.
9). I set Zima Free... Dad wanders off... i stay at cage with Zima... he has a Zima follow him up to the gates and i have Zima with me? 2 different Zimas?
10). Hmmmm... got this message under minimap UI_A2_Q2_S2_updatestepnamelabel1.... i don't think we're supposed to see this.
11). Why highlight Zima's dead sister if you cant do anything?
12). Shadron Forest suddenly had an invisible wall blocking one of the paths.
13). If you don't continue quest immediately in Daybreakers Valley and go straight to Shadron forest you can clear the area out and find Zima but she does nothing... have to go back to Daybreakers and continue quest and then go free Zima and continue. Block this so must continue quest first.
14). Hey WOLCEN... want to give dad and I a job?

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Created: 4 years ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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