Keep it Up!

Hi dear Wolcen Team,
first of all I want 2 thank u for working on such a good new Game. I have enjoyed the Beta (Act 1) a lot and i am looking forward 2 the release.
I actually dont want 2 put 2 much critic right here because even when it gets out It will not be completely done and will go trough many changes.

My biggest point I want 2 tell u is an experience I mad now on Blizzard and what u should never ever (pls pls PLS!!!) do...NEVER PUT THE MONEY OVER YOUR FANS!!!
I loved Blizzard since Starcraft 1 and Diablo 2 and now I call Blizzard dead.

Dear Wolcen Team, keep in mind that u created Wolcen with a great Team with a great community for a long time and if u keep doing this and always listen 2 what both parts of the entire Team (yours and community) want or dream of u will never loose the right path. The End will be a great game that will last for ever.

I believe that Wolcen can be as great as Diablo 2 was so many years ago and still is (I still play the game)!

Thx again for the great work u put into this game so far!!!

Take care and keep it up


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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

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