Running should not Stop

I think there was a change in the last updates. Not sure here but its kind of annoying now to run if you hold the mouse. Everytime i hold the mouse key to run i auto stop as soon as the cursor is at a mob. This should be kind of changed how it (was?) or is in other games.
If i want to a attack a mob i can just click again but it should not stop as i´m auto running while holding the key. If i have close range skills i want to run close to the mobs but often there is less space to run between so i auto attack (Staff range). This should be changed.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Might resolve the issue if you toggle off the "Basic Attack" setting under "Gameplay Settings." I believe that, when this option is toggled on, it allows hover to maintain the basic left-click attack (rather than clicking specifically on the mob to initiate the attack.) Hope that helps.


Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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