Uniques need to be Unique - Do an Indie-Innovation - We believe and support you! (Our suggestions)

My suggestion is to make Unique Item in a special way real Unique.
Many Players want to play "the Game" whats having "special unique items" not copy unique items like you finding in each other ARPG. Boring by time.
Our Developers "WolcenGame"getting an Award for innovation on Action-RPG Market if they can do a algorhythm what make Wolcen Unique Items in a special way Content into "real" Unique Items, what feeling new and newer.
With this I like to search Items, cause the player never know what he will find. And is not in Modus to get boring cause... okay i found a Unique and okay... its the same what 1000 Players find before get it the third time in my loot. Di you want this happening with your Game, WolcenGame-Studio Devolpers and Community and Fans?!

Thomas "WhyJu"

Einzigartig bedeutet das etwas einzigartig ist. Nicht einmal kopierbar.
Sound crazy , but , a New week, new modifier pool ? You can do a well algorythm! With all Suggestion we, the Community have an telling to you.We are believing in You and you have our trust to create some special Content (Indie-Style) since we are in your builded World of Wolcen.!

Ideas: (Improve Passive X with Attribute or Bonus a Stat) -
(4 Sockets on my Belt!...
oh What My Shoulder has a Socket Defending IV -? (I can see a Defending IV till i Socket a Juwel)
Oh my gosh. There are many more Ideas / suggestions to get echt Einzigartig Gegenstands Garantie.

Community help to get our Game more special, do your suggestions now

Thats my Ideas
1) A Unique Item need to be Unique not to be overpowered, but worth-full for someone. (looking to comming Trademarket)
2) Unique Items with Experience. Each Level you can push an Attribute and maybe at a Point of Experience you can choose a small Passive-Tree-Skill you like to improve or a Big Passive-Tree-Skill. At the End you may can choose out of a weekly, monthly being pool of Unique Attributes, like (Fire Spells are usable or XX-Active Skill is usable for you. 10% to get a Iceexplosion and so on. :-D
3) Each Level you get some on to your Item, a Modication or Improvement with just xx % to get succeed on the specific Item,
4) With this, Every Level Up you cant await what happen next with you Unique in the way of your Unique-Item progression. gg
5) In this progression the algorhytm can check you Charakterattributes to get a better chance for the player to get suprised gifted, based on preference gameplay. (Quality of Life) -NewRelic can help you to create a collecting Software.
6) Different Sockets, Up to Five. Forced by Random Drop Chance.
7) Your old mechanic Idea to Upgrade rebuild Items. New Material, Inlay and Outlay,Blade, Bracket and so on. Maybe a Handle what gives you better Chance to Hit an enemy. Spell, Curses.... ; tincture what gives you XX Attribute to be till the tincture gets off. Chance that it etching unrepairable into the Material of the Item...
8) Unique Relict, Unique Reliquie
9) Weapons that have an other Main Type of Damage as simply physical. Like Fire, Shadow a.s.on

A) An extra Question for all: "What can be something whats Containing godlike energy, too, like Skill-Orbs"? "And how can we make it usable"?

First Ideas were:"A Spirit,- or Soul-Orb what can collect spirits (Attributes and Modifer from magic Enemies. What can be used on Items, be in a Tincture or to obsessed a Creature what may can fight for you (Pet or Boss in Dungeon you self can edit.) [To protect you Items [take a look Trading Thread]

We are hoping an Forum-Admin will Pin the Thread to the Top for get best possible research. - What the Community likes to get.

Come on Community-Friends - tell us your suggestions. What is for you a "real" Unique Item?

Replies: 7

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

I have an another suggestion:
Maybe create something like unique gem or essence, spirit - it can be like ingredient with single usage on specific item which can contain unique add, so you can add unique attribute to any of your gear element or weapon. This guys could be reached through hard and long farm or created through long and random procedure. So that way, you can get high level item with decent characteristics AND apply unique add on top of it.

(Edited 4 years, 1 month ago)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

I have an another suggestion:
Maybe create something like unique gem or essence, spirit - it can be like ingredient with single usage on specific item which can contain unique add, so you can add unique attribute to any of your gear element or weapon. This guys could be reached through hard and long farm or created through long and random procedure. So that way, you can get high level item with decent characteristics AND apply unique add on top of it.

unfounded Original Comment

Nice Idea, that could be the first way to create smoother Unique Items.
What did you think if this Sort of Items getting Random Attributes and Modifiers of a Unique Level Grade?

(Edited 4 years, 1 month ago)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Uniques grow stronger with you as you gain experience similar to skills. At certain tier level you can pick a modifier just like with skill. Or maybe give access to certain nodes in the passive skills without having to go for that specific tree.

(Edited 4 years, 1 month ago)

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

What the hell is up with peoples abysmal English skill? Is none on this damn forum capable of writing posts that actually contain well written shit in proper English? You have a god damn Auto Correct feature in the damn forum built in USE IT FFS!

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Uniques grow stronger with you as you gain experience similar to skills. At certain tier level you can pick a modifier just like with skill. Or maybe give access to certain nodes in the passive skills without having to go for that specific tree.

Kayne Original Comment

I like the idea, Uniques has to feel truly Unique and do something that Legendary or Rare pieces don't.

There are some uniques that do give u aces to other spells or the ability to proc them which is fine but 90% of the uniques are useless. Let's hope they are interested in listening to their playerbase.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Yeeeeees, we need this. i

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago


I apologize in advance for my English.

My offer concerns unique sets of armor and individual unique items not included in the sets.

Unique Armor Sets:

1) A complete set of armor gives a significant improvement in a certain active skill.

2) Each individual item has 5 random properties, which individually makes it better than a yellow item, but worse than red. And at the same time there is always an incentive to look for parts of the kit with more suitable values.

3) Parts of the sets begin to drop out from expeditions of the Champion rank.


1) Unique Necromancer Set: Arcane Armor. When assembling a complete set, it gives + X to the maximum number of all summoned creatures and increases their damage by XX. Or make a separate set for each type of summoned creatures and give them separate enhancements, so that you can choose which creatures to focus on.

2) Unique Technique Set: Robber Armor. When assembling a full set of shells, turrets have increased damage on the twentieth and ricochet up to X times.

3) Unique Baafet Set: Combatant's Armor. Has XX damage increase and restores all fury spent on hit if it hit X enemies.

4) A unique Paladin kit. Heavy armor. Has XX increased damage to the Path of War skill, removes cooldown, but increases rage costs by XX.

I hope the idea is clear. Of course, all the improvements can be completely different, these are just examples of how sets of equipment can look.

Some unique items not included in the sets:

They can be the same things that are in the game at the moment, but add the ability to have nests and add to each item the ability to have one random key passive skill from the tree of passive skills.

Good luck to all.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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