Must Go Toughness, and Spell Damage Increase Passives

From what can tell, in most builds, even a caster or ranged rogue build, it is required right now to dump all points into toughness, or maybe go 50/50. Since stats such as wisdom don't give increased damage to ailments or anything similar, there is no reason to sacrifice survivability. Also, most crit or ailment chance needs can be gained through passives or equipment, so no one is really losing anything but going for toughness.

Is % increases to spell damage applied to ailment stacks/ticks? Because it doesn't seem like it. Right now, the meta seems to be requiring high crit melee. The heirophant bosses with 3 mobs and triple regen are impossible to fight with an ailment build.

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Toughness is the most important stat as without it you gonna get one shot by everything. Not much of a choice.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Definitely agree with you, I'm playing a mage and I have 100% of my points in toughness, and I'm lvl 79. I'm even looking for more toughness on the equipment instead of ferocity or wisdom...
This for the 2 reason you mentioned :
* Being at close range or medium range will result in a one shot most of the time at Ascended level (and maybe even at Parangon level)
* The advantages given by the 3 other attributes are just useless as a pure spellcaster if you can find some critical or ailment score on equipment + alexandrite gems on support II slots.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Toughness is also the only stat that doesn't have ridiculous diminishing returns the higher you go. It's not worth it to put 10 points in ferocity for 0.1% crit chance. The same goes for willpower or agility.

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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