Please don't implement this old league system, read my lament

Please, read this claim and lament.
1-how can we play this league mechanics on a game that takes this long to achieve the max level?

2-how people still thinking on league that make the players apart of the time and effort they made so far, and force them to start again without the most important thing in arpg games: your character and your loot.

3-why not a league or ladder where you keep what you already have and apply it to the new league content making the gameplay more rich and your character more powerful or opening new possibilities for this already owned character grown like new skills, new systems, new items.

4-if is so difficult to keep your player base active without forcing them to re level characters why instead of making a new one give us the option to reroll our existing characther keeping with it at least our loot, So we can focus on the new loot instead having to farm it all again.

4- arpg is about loot. d2 was a success because we could use the loot we find on the first day until the very last day on our characters. this league and season mechanics are a real bullshit imposed on players who will feel forced to play it for the new content. So we will gather our new beloved loot just to let it sitting on our stash forever, because when the new league or season come out we will be forced to do the same process again.
Please make it in a way we can merge what we have and what is being added to the game, so we can have a real arpg experience where you see the fruits of your time and effort spent being used for something good.

5- create a league different from what we have on Poe and d3, I bought your game for a new experience don't copy it's failure.

6- I really believe on wolcen potential, I've been playing the game over d3 and Poe, even with all bugs and problems. I don't want to go back to these games, I want to stay here. But just hearing you guys talking about this league mechanic makes me feel that I'm back to these games. I don't play 10 hours daily to let all my achievements being erased with a mechanic that make all my effort useless.

7- If the league mechanics is unavoidable, give us at least the option to access all the league content and perks with our non seasonal characters, so we can play the new content with our already owned characters.
this way people who like to restart will be pleased. And people who don't like to restart will have the option to keep playing the way they like but not being denied this new content,
this is a simple solution that will make everyone happy and won't hurt your pockets.
think on it like the ladder from d2, where you choose to restart so you can be more competitive and fair with the new players. But also keep the old players who don't want to restart happy, giving us the penalty of not figuring on the league's leaderboard.
every type of player will be free to choose what they want, and granted access to the full content of the game one way or another.

8- And for god's sake my char still 81, I don't want to make an alt. the way wolcen works make alts a dumb choice. it's unique as it is, don't ruin it.

9- Don't be naive, Leagues or Seasons aren't end game content, is just a shit way to keep the player base engaged. It's actually it's opposite since you are forcing players to restart the game. I really don't get how you can even think about this bullshit.

10-a) focus on giving us chat channels so the players can interact inside the game.
polish what you have on the game already.
b)give us a decent pvp option. like an arena wow style or even the open space out of the town like in d2, so players would spend countless hours using they earned loot trying to figure out multiple ways to kill each other and farming the loot they need to do it.
c) erase dupes and ban dupers accounts.
d) improve for real your servers. most of builds can crash the game when playing on density.
e) improve the enemies , they are way too passive and slow to respond.
f) finish and fix what you have already before thinking on doing something new.
g) and maybe think twice on the item quality upgtade patch you did. if we can't upgrade legendaries what is the point on dropping legendary loot with no perfect quality.

Please think on what I'm saying. If you guys really love arpgs and loot, don't betray people like me who would play this game for years and years if you guys give us only a little of love and stop treating us like idiots, Think over this shell called league or season, make it your own way doing it so you can keep you player base active but not throwing all effort we already made away.

I'm really happy to hear we will have news, improvements, fixings and content but this story of league mechanics make me so sad that for the first time I'm thinking in stop playing wolcen.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

New league/new character is one of the things that became a pain in the ass for me playing POE. Just did not want to keep making new characters and level them all over again each time (and levelling is not particularly fast in this game). Agree it would be nice to see some other league/season mechanic implemented

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Agree with that league system like D3/Poe is a pain in the ass, i don't want that too...

I missed the old "league system" : ladder/no ladder in D2, the best one so far !

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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