Boss act 1

The fuc*** sake what its a fucin... wrong that boss. Form 1 ok maby lazy but ok. From 2 any red balls to regeneration hp, his
favorite skill its stun and shoot gun take your 50% hp when you can regen that becasue ANY RED BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Form nr3. Cant any regeneration hp still any fuci... balls his aoe skill take 30%/40/%/50% my hp and cant regen. How i can defeat that hero if I can't regenerate my life. Hero 22lvl about 2,3k hp....

Replies: 10

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Gameplay

try story mode if playing offline ... it's much easier then !

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I am in the same spot 3 forms is a little too much..Your potion are not enough in this fight when he can just one shot you. You as a player are already done fighting this game for the 3rd fucking time. I mean come on 3 forms are you kidding me. OH and if you die restart from the first form that is annoying. The last form seems like you can never get a shot on him because all he does is jump around then he does his fireball drop on you head forever it seems like. This game was fun until I hit this boss. I have spent the last two hours trying to beat him. I have the first two fights down pretty easy but that 3rd fight is dumb. I think the devs of this game need to rethink what they have created in this fight. :/

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Do story mode if you can't do it. No offense but if you don't know how to kite and watch animations, it's not the bosses fault. I killed him first try with like 1.1k ehp

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago


You killed him first try with a mage character? or were you running a warrior?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Yeah I'm running a rogue and it's broke af. I'm stuck on him as a 2h warrior build and a dagger rogue. Can't get past the 3rd round. It's stupid if you're not a tank build that you get one shot.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Please do not listen to the cries of the plebs, Devs. Keep the game as it is. I struggled through the boss act 1 a few times until I was able to find the strategy that led to my victory. And what a great victory it was! Do not nerf your content to appease the plebs!

To the filthy casuals: If you are stuck, go back to previous areas and level a couple times. Passive nodes can offer a substantial boost in power and can help you turn the tide of a hard fight to come!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

you should go for difference built if you want to pass that boss . ! With my turred summon built i have pass that boss at lv 23 and 2k1 hp and 12 times die ! Get gud or try story mod !

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I was positively surprised with this boss fight. It was difficult. But it is the most difficult boss in the game so there's that ;) Lots of games are too easy now.

First, I killed him in offline mode (normal mode) with rogue like char. Took me about 7 tries, but I'm a slow learner and it is harder to avoid some of his attacks in melee.
Second time, when online mode was finally up I did him with the glass canon mage after the second try in normal mode. I already new strategy, but even though my mage had better DPS than rogue, the fight took longer because of no life leech on the mage so I had to kite and wait for adds to spawn so I could refill potions.
In online mode I noticed that even thought I dodged or teleport away from his charge or jump, I was teleported back to his melee range, that was annoying, maybe some server lag? I don't know how online works in this game.
If this is frustrating wait till the second Act boss, where You die without being hit by anything ;) But the second Act boss is easier and third Act boss even more.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

people who come on these forums and complain the bosses are to hard usually just really suck at the game and should learn to actually open their eyes instead face planting their eyes on their skill bar, that is all

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

How I like posts like this at the top Cuz "pro" player said true. I just wanted to pay attention to the mechanics of falling out of the balls.
Nobody here said about the boss's nerf. If the "pro" player have some golden thought we are waiting....

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

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