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Nor sure if that is allowed in that forum, but for all the haters, take a look at Rhykkers latest news video.

Funfact: some complain about klicking an item twice to sell it whilst other cannot even login. What a world you grew up in?

achgehzu0815 Original Comment

rykkher si part of the problem, he got paid by the devs to promote the game on a build that we as buying players didnt get,

basically showing a well running game, when in truth almost nothing works as intented

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

"You ruined the game for yourself by using these builds"
This is the biggest pile of BS I've seen in a long time! When something deals 10x more damage than something else, the sane person will take the optimal choice. You cannot blame the player for that behavior! Sure, the player could, as you said, not use those builds, but it's the dev's error that they are even there in the first place!

Xaphanos Original Comment

"Every sane person" lol, i have 4 builds im playing, none of them using bleeding edge and im selectively avoiding all the bugged passives in the tree. Im running expeditions level 80, its difficult as hell and great fun. Sane person understands that its probably not a design choice to run lvl 185 dungs a week after release. Im sure they will fix all the skills, reset the chests, and you bugging noobs will actually have to work for your success and im so much looking forward to see it :p

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

is today hotfix day?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Wanted to register so that I can post this here as I felt it is rather game-breaking.

I have the following passives.

Siegebreaker > Salvatory Anchor
"If you have a Bruiser Chest-piece, you receive Health regeneration for each Health point on armor."

Siegebreaker > Elevated Gain
"0.5 Health Regeneration for every Health point on equipped Bruiser Helmet."

located here:

So my old Bruiser chest piece has this much HP

And my upgraded Bruiser chest piece now has this much

I had this helm equipped, which has 553 health.

But when I equipped this Legendary helm with slightly less health (it still has close to 500), suddenly my health regen breaks

It gets worse. If I try and reequip the previous helmet, the health regen doesn't revert back

Look at the health regen here. I don't have a helm or chest-piece equipped. The number should calculate down into ~50-60.

I removed the chest-piece and tested it with a rare helm. The HP regen numbers don't change at all. So it looks like the system is ignoring the Siegebreaker > Elevated Gain passive for Bruiser helms. That MIGHT be the cause, or it could be that coupled with Legendary helms.

I can confirm there's a problem with slots not correctly calculating.

Without a helm or chest-piece equipped,…

Kxmode Original Comment

I spotted bug while equipping / switching helm with this passive. If you switch your helm, or take it off and on, it will break that passives node bonus, so you have to take off and on your chest piece to get it working again.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

This game is just ridiculous

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

if you failed in a expedition u end up in town, but only ur weapon is visbible and nothing responds anymore, forcining you te restart the game, this is super annoying. please fix that too.

All skills react super slow, in fact i have to press a button several times in order fot it to even work, you can imgaine this really hurts while doing battle in rifts and often leads to death when you cant pop certain abilities on time, super frustrating!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

launched the game in alpha state
I wonder why they did this.
this shit was 4 years in advance access and a lot of promises were made.
the game is full of bugs. unplayable in online and offline mode.
crash crash crahs
that is a shame and a tremendous lack of character due to the devs
disappointing game totally without personality
a mixture of
God of War
dark sider
Pach of exile
extremely small campaign only 3 acts
a long delay to release corrections 1 a week?
so kidding?
you are very slow.
you missed the opportunity to be bigger than blizzard
when diablo 2 was in handcuff.
filled their pockets with money from players who love wolcem
and who now suffer to try to play ...
this is not a game
and a bug project.
fix this shit.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Amazing work!
A few bugs that happened to me:

  • Act 1 boss had not jumped into the arena, the battle (first phase) started while he was floating high in the air and outside of the arena (according to the cinematic, he doesnt seem to have jumped on the platform lol)

  • Still at the act 1 boss, using the Shield charge skill (forgot the name), and one time even without using it, you can fall at the edges of the arena, spawning at the city with the Boss interface (Health bar) still up, and as my friend died in the fight (he did not fall), he couldnt revive because the party was "Still in battle".

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

rykkher si part of the problem, he got paid by the devs to promote the game on a build that we as buying players didnt get,

basically showing a well running game, when in truth almost nothing works as intented

Asgardian Original Comment

That's absolute rubish. Please see yourself out the door. Thank you.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Hey Great work ppl

Will you pls, work out the bat bug... need to use skill with arrows from above to kill them....every time, cant even lock on them with gun- well you can it just dont kill them thx

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Currently unable to play because as soon as I open up any window (like merchant window, passive skill tree, character sheet, inventory, etc) the game crashes everytime. Any news on that problem ?

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

"* Uniques can be altered"

Please don't remove this "feature". Please just balance it to only give 6 rolled stats. Uniques right now have really bad scaling in end game. Their mechanics are cool but their base stats are lower and you can't put gems on them which makes them way worse than legendaries. Being able to upgrade Uniques to Legendary Uniques that you can craft and put gem slots on would be a really cool mechanic for end game for maximizing our builds potential.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Good job on all the fixes and progress. I got through first quest in online, but the transition area doesn't work. 'Get out of the Larder' after waking up. When I click on the glowy transition space it does nothing. I am stick there.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Could we please get another known issues post and could these be made a regular thing? It's nice to know what's currently being worked on in terms of fixes. Thanks.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Please fix Regen on Expedition Bosses like Aurora Knight - Unkillable bosses ruining gaming experience are not fun at all.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Expedition progress being erased on disconnects is game breaking. Literally clicked the portal to return back to town for completion and it crashed. No completion and all progress erased. At least let us portal back to where we were.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

i crash every 10-20 minutes playing online. it wasn't like that before. the patch certainly did something. also when clicking in the top right corner of the screen when friend list is activated my game freezes. sigh and the list goes on but these are pressing.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

the game is totally broken, close servers and return the money to the boys, thanks for the attempt

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

rykkher si part of the problem, he got paid by the devs to promote the game on a build that we as buying players didnt get,

basically showing a well running game, when in truth almost nothing works as intented

Asgardian Original Comment

Not true.

Rhykker made a vid to explain and relevated his opinion in many points to the actual condition of the game at the time the made the vid.
but, people only know what they care about (you prove that).

Btw, he played the game one day before release. So most of the problems that occured due to the rush did not occur.

And of course, many bugs + 1 player = game might be good as hell.
Many players + many bugs = devs? serious?

Start thinking you dumpass haters!

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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