Wolcen: Aegis of Stormfall - Patch


Hello everyone,

Wolcen; Aegis of Stormfall, patch, is now live. This patch brings:

  • A new end-game system: the War Table;
  • New monsters;
  • New damage type variations for some skills;
  • A new environment;
  • A new armour;
  • Numerous bug fixes.


The War Table is the new feature introduced with Aegis of Stormfall and allows the player to partake in four new End-Game activities on top of Expeditions, scaled Mandates, and the Wrath of Sarisel. These new Operations are:


A malignance covers the land! Escort a new ally to key areas, and defend them, so that they may turn back the darkness. Beware the temptations and dangers that lurk in the suffocating and deadly black.



Enter the killing fields and survive increasingly large waves of enemies until none remain.



Enter the domain of a mighty boss and fight to the death. There can only be one!



Deprive the enemy of a powerful Wardstone, but be warned: not only is the Stone quite capable of defending itself, but it will summon champions to thwart your efforts.


The War Table comes with an entirely-new UI to support the Endgame Operations, their selection, and their accompanying progression system.


With these four new Operations, joining Expeditions, Mandates, and The Wrath of Sarisel, there are now seven total activities at endgame, all of which can be accessed through the War Table. At any one time, players can choose from three randomly selected Operations out of the seven and can refresh the selection by completing an Operation. The selection screen will also show the rarity and type of item that will be awarded for completing a particular operation at a glance, as well as the number of Skulls.


The Skull System replaces the old expedition progression system. On top of a particular item, each activity awards a number of skulls based on their difficulty and length. Players must collect a certain number of skulls to unlock, and progress to, higher tiers of difficulty. Any progression players have from the previous system will be carried over!



  • Wrath of Sarisel now exists independently from Expeditions: players can encounter both on the War Table selection screen. Additionally, Wrath of Sarisel no longer costs primordial essence or requires 5 modifiers to launch.
  • Mandates now scale past their original level limit and are now part of the War Table rotation.
  • As the access to Expeditions, and therefore Hunts, is no longer 100% guaranteed at all times the amount of Hunt currency awarded to a player for completing a Hunt has been increased.
  • Consumables (maps, reverie incenses, etc) stored in your inventory or your personal chest can be activated through the War Table UI without the need to open your inventory or transfer them.
  • All operations are available from level 1 if you have already unlocked Champion of Stormfall mode.
  • All operation types spawn a portal upon completion that requires confirmation to activate and send you back to Stormfall. No more misclicking and leaving behind a Trial Belt because you clicked the portal instead.
  • The experience given as a reward for completing any activity has been increased to make your journey to max level all the easier.
  • Some Operations reward a single item type, while others can reward a class of item. Players can choose the particular item they want from a rewards screen upon returning to Stormfall.
  • We will be monitoring player feedback regarding the Operation rewards and tweak them in subsequent patches.




Once impartial priests of Halcyon metal, the Mystagogues now enact judgment on the Sleeper's behalf.




The Caretakers once kept the Primordial structures standing eternal. Now, they seek a new form of eternity by the Sleeper's side.



Bequeathed to the Republic most ferocious soldiers, the Veteran Armour is more than a defence: it's a warning to one's enemies.



The canyon is a beautiful new secondary area that will be available in-game.




Bladestorm can now be converted into Shadow damage.


Wrath of Baäpheth can now be converted into Rend damage.



  • Fixed an issue where using Evasion would sometimes cause the player to become stuck on terrain or fall off the map.
  • Fixed an issue where Flight of Gaavanir could softlock the player when recalled.
  • Fixed an issue where the Anvil's Woe modifier "The Will To Crush" would break the skill if the player held their mouse behind the player character whilst charging.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Havoc Orb to place two mines under an enemy if both the 'Glory to Mankind' and 'Mine Launcher' modifiers were picked.
  • Fixed an issue in Expeditions where the minimap would no longer indicate where the portals are after killing a Hunt boss.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed the party leader to skip the Sarisel reward screen for the entire party, denying rewards and causing further UI issues
  • Fixed an issue that caused the client to crash when using a specific project in the Dark Market.
  • Fixed an issue where taking the red portal on certain Expedition floors would cause the player to spawn under Stormfall.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause AoE from certain Hunt events to continue after the event has ended.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the player character to become stuck after using Wings Of Ishmir in a certain area of Act 2.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the map modifier altars that can be found at the beginning of Expeditions to lack VFX and thereby not prevent the player from moving forward before choosing or declining modifiers.
  • Fixed a group of issues that caused unusual behaviour and/or returned the player to Stormfall when displaying tutorial tooltips for the first time in Mandates and Expeditions.
  • Fixed an issue where after using "Anomaly" on enemies their animations would stop playing momentarily.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some cosmetic shoulder armour pieces to appear on the wrong shoulder.
  • Fixed an issue that caused micro-loading when the player moved rapidly in a certain area of the uber Lambach consumable arena.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the secondary objectives from the Oshara questline to remain in the quest log if uncompleted or if the player left the mission.
  • Fixed an issue where pressing 'Reset to Default' in the graphics settings would not reset the selection in the 'Graphics Quality' dropdown.
  • The 'Friendly Silhouette' setting has stopped hiding and is once again accessible.
  • Tweaked the biome parameters on certain Consumable map items.
  • Cleaned up various localization issues in the Dark Market.
  • Miscellaneous audio fixes, including a fix for enemy sounds continuing to play after being 'overkilled'.
  • Miscellaneous animation fixes and tweaks.

Replies: 19

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

Category: Announcements

Great update at last ... Too bad it didn't work with the ultrawide monitor. The war table does not display the menu correctly, does not show the start button without changing the resolution and the display mode to in the window.

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

Nice job!!thanks

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

Great update at last ... Too bad it didn't work with the ultrawide monitor. The war table does not display the menu correctly, does not show the start button without changing the resolution and the display mode to in the window.

aglaris Original Comment

I can confirm this is the same for me. Generally speaking I think the "Ultrawide Support" is pretty bad. Does the QA team test Ultrawide setups?

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

Cool, cool, cool.

Gotta ask though... where's our controller-support?

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago


Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

I bought this game in December after reading your news in that month that controller support was iminent. It said you had pushed it back to Jan to allow some further time / Christmas break etc, which is fine. So the patch lands in Jan, and ..... NO controller support ??

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

this update made it unplayable for ultrawidescreen users, we cannot start any mission from mission table as we don't see the button... at all. That's really bad, hopefully you can fix it straight away...

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

this update made it unplayable for ultrawidescreen users, we cannot start any mission from mission table as we don't see the button... at all. That's really bad, hopefully you can fix it straight away...

Khal Kage Original Comment

It's same with accepting the difficulty selection... :(

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

I was pretty excited regarding this patch... new endgame activities!! Finally something to keep me playing this game...
But then, after playing / testing it for like 30 minutes - there's nothing new to keep me hooked at all. :/

As a player who reached the maximum difficulty level - like probably every one else who is still playing this game also has reached - what is the sense / the motivation in playing the "new" missions when there is no further progress...? You are stuck with 217...!

If you only would have implemented endless difficulty scaling (no stop at 217) and would have added a ladder, this patch could have become a great one, in my opinion.

Why not let players progress till they reach their "nemesis", difficulty wise, and let them compare to each other via a ladder-system...? These little features alone would bring so much depth into an otherwise really superficial endgame.

See Diablo III: This game is still played due to two simple things: they have seasons and - and that's the point - they can compete in ranking the highest difficulty / fastest clear speed...

It wouldn't be a big "takes several months"-thing to tweak the scalings and open up endgame difficulty i guess...

But guys... just my two cents. Nevermind my post.
Hopefully you can change the course before reaching the dead end. :)

(Edited 2 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

Same issue with not being able to see the expedition start buttton at the bottom of the expeditions screen with my Widescreen at 3440x1440. Are you folks trying to tell me this wasn't checked in testing? C'mon man. This is just unacceptable, I can't believe such a simple thing got missed in QA. Bad optics, devs.

(Edited 2 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

As Ultrawide monitor user can say this update is useless :( can't open war table

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

Avoir une réponse constructive est difficile. Attendre si longtemps pour se retrouver dans la même situation qu'auparavant. Tourner en rond sur les mêmes map encore et encore, il s'agit juste d'avoir modifier comment la mission de la map est réalisée. Rien de bien nouveau ou au pire nous fait jouer 1h00 pour tester.
Il faut du nouveau contenu, des événements, un nouveau but. cette mise à jour n'apporte rien.

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

Thanks for your work CoTTo. Appreciate it.

Basically - tell the team, they should improve on their QualityAssurance iterations. Every "new content" is useless if not tested properly. And "using" the remaining Playerbase as exactly this, doesnt really feel great - or didnt really work out in the past for this particular product. The team really should consider changing their priorities. (However, this Topic has been talked about for almost 2 years, so ... Yeah. Good luck on that end )

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

I can't access the war table options, nothing to click, it just lets me choose the level and modifiers, I can't actually start the game. Is this a bug?

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

I can't access "start operation" and the window is cut off no matter what graphics settings.

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

What about focusing on finish the story? More than 2 years and we don't have a proper final for the story. Not only that, i have to mention the game is dead, i feel completely alone in the game, after endgame you try to get max level for what? It has no purpose, lot of expedition for nothing.. new content full of the same things.. Try focus on multiplayer, try make something similar to PARAGONS like Diablo 4 is planning now, make us believe there is significant rewards for our efforts. Otherwise, the game will die soon, if not dead already.

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

Is the widescreen issue going to get resolved so I can actually play??????

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

Great work!
Brought me back to the game, pushing 50 hours of gameplay since the update and enjoying it very much.
Thank you and keep it up!

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

Sadly game does not work on 32:9 screens ratio - no way to start operations with new table.

Created: 2 years, 4 months ago

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