Bleeding Edge way over-nerfed

So after the changes to Bleeding Edge, i am not able to kill the end Rift bosses with regeneration. My gear is pretty good. The rift level is only 147.... I thinnk you guys over nerfed the ability. Need to kick up the damage per ailment stack. I understand making things difficult, but this is unkillable with bleeding edge builds

Replies: 36

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Ya no joke. I spent the last 2 days getting my build going with bleeding edge. I didnt realize it was so popular and considered OP. Tried doing a lvl 64 expedition and couldnt even kill an elite pack. Honestly feels bad putting in all that work, leveling gems and redoing my talents and what not just to get completely ruined after finally getting to 50 yesterday and feeling decently strong finally. Lasted all of like 3 hours.

Wolcen devs way over nerfed this thing. Between the over nerfs, bad tuning, and just general bugs everywhere. Feels like its time to go find a new game to play.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

i agree 100%

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I think the nerf is good. You just have to change your build. Get some cooldown reduction and you're good to go. Still able to do all content, its just not as OP as it used to be. so it feels like a big nerf, but it isnt.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I think the nerf is good. You just have to change your build. Get some cooldown reduction and you're good to go. Still able to do all content, its just not as OP as it used to be. so it feels like a big nerf, but it isnt.

Lythian Original Comment


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

10sec CD... F*ck this.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I don't feel nerfs are needed at this point in the games life cycle, they should be fixing important issues effecting servers/gameplay not balancing skills, use this time to get the data needed to tune everything for their version of Leagues/Seasons,

In my personal opinion all they are going to do is disgruntle anyone thats using x builds and at this critical point losing playerbase due to over nerfing popular builds seems like a bad bussiness pratice.

Edit:So after reworking BE passives and my skill tree (Im lvl74 fyi) I've been able to clear 103 in the same time I was able to clear 130, an effective dmg nerf of 75ish% from what I can tell.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

wise words bud

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Fuck this game, im out! Maybe fix the game before nerfing skills! We use alot of time and efford to loot for a build, and it really sucks that you only can play a build for a week until they nerf the skills again! Bleeding edge is useless now!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

i'm really pissed off right now about this over-nerf, what's wrong with you devs, sérieux vous foutez les glandes la avec votre nerf.
What did you think really guys ? Bleeding edge before the nerf was powerful and FUN, yes it was F.U.N AF.
After the nerf, it's like when a parent takes off the toy of a kid and says :
"No kiddo ! You have too much with your toy that's why i'm taking it from you !"
Yes, that's my analogy and a pretty good one.
The stat of BE after the patch ? A good joke guys :
+152 rage cost, CD 10 sec, -150% of Weapon Damage !!!
Noice guys,

Before i was able to clean the expeditions, now it's hard and i've a decent gear.
Even when i don't put any affix i can't clean the 3 levels of an expedition, before the nerf i could, now i'm frustrated AF.
Did you guys tried to see if the nerf was viable ? Oh, i know ! You're a small dev studio with no money to pay a test team, no one bought your game and no streamer played your game.
So i've two options :
1) I switch to a tank build, it's not what i like the most,
2) I quit until you give back the fun of Bleeding Edge.

Thanks a lot, i didn't want to pay for a game to be frustrated.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

After investing 200+ hours into the game, suddenly I cannot kill the things I was able to just 12 hours ago. The Bleeding Edge nerf essentially has rendered my character powerless.

I'm not sure how the developers would feel if suddenly, several hundred hours of their work was invalidated. It's a pretty safe bet they would be unhappy, as I am. And I know I can't get a refund on this defective software but I can guarantee I will never support Wolcen or anything from Daniel Dolui again.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I can't even clear a lvl 52 expedition w/ no modifiers when i was clearing them with everything cranked Prior.

If they are gonna Wreck builds left and right then they need to reduce the cost to respec your builds by ALOT.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Ya agree with everyone as I said above. its atrocious that they did this. Hopefully they read this and realize their mistake before they kill the community completely.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I honestly understand that they nerfed bleeding edge. In my opinion they shouldve just taken out the ailment rune and leave the rest of the skill alone. Was literally the only fun skill in the game imo and now there is nothing thats as smooth and effortless anymore. If they just get rid of the stupid fking cooldown they put on the skill then you could at least work around it.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Holy cow on the nerf bat. Pretty extreme with the cooldown since it pretty makes the skill useless. You should have just added more Rage cost and force folks to work with that. Or better yet: just lessen the damage a bit. The coolddown is just absurd.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Wtf are you devs doing? do you even know? there isn't that many good builds to play in this game as it is. its ok to nerf a skill i get how strong BE is but you guys beat the sh** out of it.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I honestly understand that they nerfed bleeding edge. In my opinion they shouldve just taken out the ailment rune and leave the rest of the skill alone. Was literally the only fun skill in the game imo and now there is nothing thats as smooth and effortless anymore. If they just get rid of the stupid fking cooldown they put on the skill then you could at least work around it.

Discombobulating Original Comment

The CD is tied to the Unstopable Momentum Rune so by removing it BE still functions, only at roughly 75% less dmg.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Hello i buy this game some days ago. Playing a lot without regarding of what is op or not. This OverNerf is good to take place in a Beta test. Give me back my 37 euros and keep your game.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Ye if you didnt see the nerf of a 3000%+ multiplier coming when other skills are nowhere near that you are plain stupid.
Its part of fixing the game, if you don't like them fixing it then leave no one gives a fuck.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

The CD is tied to the Unstopable Momentum Rune so by removing it BE still functions, only at roughly 75% less dmg.

CrimsonTorque Original Comment

The cooldown is the issue. It makes the rune worthless.

Bleeding Edge is pretty much dead now.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

This game is dead for me. Some fixes was really most usefull at this time. killing a template because of ccalcul errors in tree of skills is not the good answer. It just cause disagreament for players using a this skill. And say play something else is not the good answer. Balancing a game ask more work and serious. Just overnerf a problem is just stupid. I can't play my avatar, bye Wolcen, Short and bad experience with you.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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