a small script to keep backup of your Offline Characters often in case of shit happens

create a new txt file in your desktop or wherever you wish and call it something like Wolcen-Backup.BAT
the extension is important. make sure you see extensions in your windows. if you properly rename the extension to a .bat file it will ask you "if you are sure", yes you are.

then edit the file with the notepad and just add the following few lines:
replace the username "Administrator" with your own user\path and save it.


@xcopy "C:\Users\Administrator\Saved Games\wolcen\savegames" "C:\Users\Administrator\Saved Games\wolcen\backup\savegames" /y /i /s



you can run this every time you feel you are doing some major progress and you are afraid a bug will not store your progress.
it will create a folder backup where you will have all your character and items stored so that you can simply copy-paste over the original in case you lost something and you want to go back.

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Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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