Act 1: Mini-boss "Alastar"

Hello Wolcen Team!
Alastar boss does not have an animation. Fortunately he is easy to kill. Thanks to that I would rate this bug as major.
Unfortunately I can't tell if reproducibility is 100% or is it due to server capacities but you should definitely check it.
Best Regards,

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

I had the same bug, he just floated around instead of being invisible like he was in the beta. It made it easier to kill him but it also made it harder to know when he was going to attack.
Regards LoneWolf693

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I did fight with him again and his animations were ok this time. So reproducibility is not 100% and issue might be somewhere else.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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