Act 2 Boss

1st stage:
- Lambach cone attack hits even when the player is behind the boss
- Lambach cast aoe is not visible on the ground 90% of the time, the only queue this happens is a slight flash in the affected zone
- pod mobs are mostly spawned in the ground ( killable, but i doubt this was intended )
- the fight doesn't reset properly -> some spawn pods start as destroyed, even got the fight to start with all the pods destroyed

2nd stage:
- while using whirlwind it is possible to get thrown off the platform ( happened once )
- the boss can place a mine over the safe zone highlighted->there should be a minimum distance of zoneRadius + 1.5 * mineRadius between the 2
- while in the highlighted safe zone i sometimes get killed by nothing ( most likely invisible mine )
- i get insta killed when the platform is clear and the boss doesn't cast any abilities -> animation and render skip most likely
- can get stuck in front of the boss if i whirlwind too far
- 2nd stage resets extremely poorly -> when reaching this stage again, all the aoe and safe zone textures are on the screen, even though they're harmless as far as i can tell.

After resetting the fight 3-4 times, the 2nd stage of this boss is unplayable since you can't tell what's what on the screen ( resources do not despawn ).

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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