Act 2 The Darkest Dusk bugged door

WolcenTag: Raulzitomeufilho.1334 ( I think that's it, if not, tell me so I can fix it.)
Quest Bug: Act 2 The Darkest Dusk bugged door
Please a help me ?

Replies: 8

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

rncaptain.8262 in-game name.
Having the same or similar issue - I cannot walk across the bridge from the Daybreakers Breached Fort waypoint to the quest marker. Movement skills (Wings of Ishmir and Phantom Blades with the Cut Through the Aether rune) also do not allow me to pass.
Progession-wise, this is just after the conversation with Valeria in which she offers to hold the front while you go in to rescue the Daybreakers.

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Hey there Nok1267, i'm stuck exactly at the same spot, for the exact same reason, went through the dialog, and bailed out of the game, when i respawn at the waypoint ... nothing, blocked at the bridge.

Its my 5th character that got softLock like this randomly, this absolutely attrocious, I love the game, but this is unbarable ...

Support anything that can be done ?

TAG: nikosendai.5768


Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

same bug offline mode
tried online, but it just keeps disconnecting

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

WolcenTag: Rathzor
Quest Bug: Act 2 The Darkest Dusk bugged door.

Same bug here. The door won't open.
I try to go back to main menu and to restart the game but nothing work.

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Hi! Same here for 2 accounts:

starmks.0591 (Magneferatus)
ladylita.5345 (Odessa)

Door does not react and wp is grayed out + no savepoint when reaching door.

(Edited 3 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Same bug here. Restarted multiple times but door still won't open. Also, the portal waypoint goes back to not activated upon restarting.

TAG: thewraith.3176
CHAR: Mumra

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Work for me in an other character in offline mode.
But the character in online mode is still stuck.

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

And soft lock again, after previoous one went through then I'm also locked at the door, like everyone else,

Door won't open, NPC is gone, WayPoint won't stay on ... Its a mess, Again love the game, but this is not acceptable with a game of this quality, it is ruining everything.

You got a gem on your hands, graphics are awesome, gameplay is great an engaging, soundtrack is immersive and damn good !!! but those bugs are an absolute shame ...

So, could you please do something to unlock us all ? a patch or something ?

Thank you,

TAG: nikosendai.5768

(Edited 3 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

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