Annhilation Toxic Node and spell ailments.

While using +%ailment damage -%any other damage passive from the cabalist section of the PST, the Annhilation Toxic damage node doesn't apply any ailments, in fact, no mage skill applies ailments when you have anywhere from -2 to -11 damage. The listing of ailments doesn't even appear, even though there are AST nodes specifically for applying them on almost every willpower based skill.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 10 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

I found the cause of negative damage. If you pick up the two PST nodes Crippling Decrepitude and Incessant Infirmity and confirm both at once, the damage reduction is much greater than normal, reducing spells to negative damage and rendering them useless. If you confirm your PST nodes one at a time however this doesn't occur.

Created: 4 years, 10 months ago

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