Anvils Woe Bug/Hitboxes Bugged with Video Showcase of Bug

It is literally fucking impossible to hit Edric with Anvils Woe sometimes when im standing inside of him im able to hit him for the rest if i stand behind or infront of him 99% of the time Anvils Woe just doesnt hit fix this stupid shit how in the world is it possible to have 4 years Beta and than for release 50% of my skills cant hit the first boss its incredible not even talking about the game 24 hours after release not wroking how its supposed to.... heres a video of someone else showcasing how none of his fking skills are connecting with the nonexisting hitboxes in this game

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

same here and it's really annoying

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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