BladeStorm deals no damage.

I'm playing Wolcen - Bloodtrail in offline mode (because my ping is too bad to play online) and I use my favorite attack skill, BladeStorm with 2 runes Eye of the Tornado and Ceaseless Current, and simply in most attacks the skill just deal no damage to enemies in range, zero at all, while the rage coat's still calculated. It's just unusable and a terrible gaming experience. I tried with other runes and weapons I can, even dual-weilding and still no dice.
Also, please allow player to use potions during chanelling, and using other skills while chanelling Bladestorm will break it and then continue it again after casting those otjer skills.
Thank you.

Replies: 1

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Same problem for me as well. Bladestorm deals no damage most of the time although enemies are in range.

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

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