Bloodtrail Boss Inexplicable Damage

Whatever is causing the insta-death during Oshara's fights, the second and third one, has no indicator whatsoever. I have dropped dead while she flies away (second fight), I have dropped dead when she's doing nothing, I have dropped dead when she's doing an attack that didn't even land yet, I have dropped dead while she was broken, I just have no idea what's killing me. Some people say 'destroy the red orbs." I've tried that, still drop dead. Sometimes it won't even drain my force shield, my health will be full, then 1, then dead. I've also seen "it's her fire breath attack, the hit box doesn't show." I have died while standing behind her while she does that. I have tried everything people list on the forums and reddit and for some reason, I just poof. Video is some proof:

I'm glad others seem to be able to get around this but it's literally unplayable for me .-.

Replies: 4

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Exact same as my 3 tries in a row.

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

in your video around ~1:00 there is an attack, where she breaths a pizza slice shaped attack that ignites the ground, but for some reason the flame effect only appear at her leg. At least that is the problem i think. I usually stand under her shield and lightsaber smacking her face.

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Invisible wall on the bridge that forced me to quit and restart, now another bugged impossible boss fight (just like Hemlock, which is still bugged in stage 2). I don't understand how so many game breaking bugs get past testing. Its like there isn't a closed test phase. Just slap in some game code, release it and pray.

(Edited 3 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Bonjour, même problème de mon côté sur le boss Oshara de la 3ème mission de la chronique Bloodtrail dans le mode "Champion de Stormfall". Au bout de la 15 tentatives pour optimiser mes dégats et essayer de survivre, je meurs sans raison apparente après cette fameuse "fire breath attack" qui semble m'appliquer un DOT inesquivable et mortel.
Peut-être est-ce un élément de gameplay que je n'ai pas cerné, mais je pense avoir tout essayé (se tenir dans son dos, détruire les orbes rouges, eviter d'attaquer pendant cette phase en cas de renvoie de dégat, briser son bouclier quand elle utilise cette attaque...).
Ce boss fight impossible me coupe donc dans l'exploration de ce nouveau contenu qui était jusque là fort appréciable.

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

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