Boss bug on certain map

So there is one boss that covers himself behind shield sometimes and there is certain map dark bloody cathedral kinda like dunno the name of the map
but always on this map with that boss the movement at that place where u fight him is bugged im lvl 77 sorcerer doing 139 lvl map and i dont feel like dying to that $@#% because game thinks i wanna go near the boss instead of walking completly other way ! please FIX it ASAP ! and i dunno if thats intended or not but 50% of the time he is literally immune to damage he stands in a place doing nothing and he takes no damage dunno why but check that also please on every map i face him

Secondly the dark angel kinda boss the laser damage is bugged and the range especially and the thing that teleports you while he grabs you is bugged on one certain map looks like the place just before u finish act 3 all there is golden ish where he teleported me to some kind of pillar and i could not move out or teleport out of there so i just died it happend 3 times on 3 maps

Other thing i have to say the random freezes and game crashing especially in town made me destroy my favourite cup because i had full inventory and i got red item from quest and it dropped on the floor and i crashed i log back item is gone...tha is $$!@^&@^# sad....

Energy shield does not update when u change items from like example i had gloves 500 energy shield i switched to the 1300 ones and i had lower then before, thats like whaaat ???

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Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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