Bug? - Guns miss bats constantly

Online Mode, Private Game
Dual pistols
Lvl 6 - first area Act I with bats (sorry don't remember the name)
I consistently miss flying enemies even with my cursor directly on the target and the enemy is highlighted, which most of the time it isn't when this happens. Had 3 or 4 left at one point and couldn't kill them with pistols. Only way I can kill them is with the evasion skill.
I am not sure if this is a bug or accuracy mechanic (don't see any options to improve accuracy so I assume bug) but my offline staff user never has an issue hitting enemies that are targeted.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

This problem occurs also with melee weapons also. I believe its the hit box are being very small with the bats and perhaps miss placed when they hover around. If you hover your mouse over to the back(or tail) of the bats, you will be able to click it and attack it. I use aoe to kill them since its very difficult to click on him. I died like twice to them(elite packs) cause I can't click them to attack and I had no rage for aoes. This needs a fix ASAP.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

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