Bug - Map Modifiers

Thought I'd do my part for once and report a bug I ran into :

When adding modifiers to a map, I added 5 already, I disconnected (this keeps happening when I have my VPN on, so I turned it off) and when I logged back in the already added mods were still there but I was able to add 5 more modifiers so the map ended up having 10 modifiers instead of 5.

So 1 bug and 1 problem that I keep having I'm not sure is fixable :
1. Disconnecting resets the allowed map mods allowing to add an additional 5.
2 . VPN causing disconnection issues where I don't have the same problem with other online games like for example PoE.

Hope this helps, keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to future content in Wolcen.

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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