Bug report

Logged at Friday, August 13, 2021 14:26:11
LogFile: game.log
GameDir: Game
Executable: E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Wolcen\win_x64\Wolcen.exe

Exception Code: FATAL_ERROR
Exception Addr:
Exception Module:
Exception Description: FATAL_ERROR,
Memory in use: 6276.3MB
Debug Status: 05:13 Game Wolcen_ACT1 SinglePlayer
Out of Memory: 0

Call Stack Trace:
12) function=0x00007FF97FAC43C2
11) function=0x00007FF97FB15A38
10) function=0x00007FF9B8FEAD87
9) function=0x00007FF9B9269553
8) function=0x00007FF9B922182E
7) function=0x00007FF9B92211B9
6) function=0x00007FF9B92305B3
5) function=0x00007FF9B90AB607
4) function=0x00007FF9DF7D1BB2
3) function=0x00007FF9E0907034
2) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651
1) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_0(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651
1) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_1(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651
1) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_2(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651
1) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_3(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651
1) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_5(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651
1) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_4(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651
1) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_6(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651
1) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_7(Regular)):
2) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651
1) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651

Suspended thread (JobSystem_Worker_0(Blocking)):
2) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651
1) function=0x00007FF9E1A02651

I have this bug every 5-30 minutes.

Replies: 1

Created: 3 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Hi there, here are some steps that may resolve your issue:

*Check the integrity of the cache through Steam's properties menu: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335

*Launch the Steam client as an administrator. Right-click on Steam client and select "Run as administrator". You can try the same with Wolcen.exe.

*Delete the "shaders" and "profiles" folders located in the "User" folder in the Wolcen Installation

*Update drivers for your graphics card.
AMD/ATI drivers (https://www.amd.com/en/support)
Nvidia drivers (https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-gb)
Intel drivers (https://downloadcenter.intel.com/)

*Add Wolcen.exe and/or the Wolcen installation folder as an exception to your Antivirus or Windows Defender.

*Try reinstalling the latest Microsoft VS Redistributable (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads-2647da03-1eea-4433-9aff-95f26a218cc0)], then restart your computer.

*Diable any Overclocking.

(Edited 3 years, 3 months ago)

Created: 3 years, 3 months ago

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