Bug Reporting Process?

Kinda curious what the process should be for reporting bugs? I've seen stuff on redit and here and such. This feels like a horrible place for it, mostly due to the lack of response and organization.
Why not use something like bugzilla, at least that gives the team something to help organize and action. right now it feels like an empty void and it worries me that i see stuff like "releasing soon!"... i love this game, but it seems pretty far away from release.. still having stupid problems that should have been solved early in a "beta" process (the alpha/beta process here wasnt what i'd call normal, more like early access/greenlight sort thinga) also for a fairly new game, why does it appear you're using waterfall methodologies? the next big patch could solve all these, but because there is no issue tracking platform, how will i know if the bug i have is address or not? I cant say i've been on top of the news (not my thing, i just want to play the game) but what i do see, isnt comforting.

Again, love this game, but this dev team/company is starting to worry me :-/

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Currently, the bugs are either already known on our side, centralized on the Trello board following a Discord/forum report (https://trello.com/b/ef7NA3vc/wolcen-bug-tracker) or both. As long as a bug is not game breaking or affecting the gameplay consequently, it's not a priority, so there will always be "stupid bugs" present as long as they don't prevent players from playing the game, until we have a window to handle them.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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