Bugged GOF Nodes

So far here are the nodes I've noticed that appear to not be working as intended.

Frenzied Blows - Child of Fury tree: Just not working. Not noticing a damage increased and the rage cost is not doubled either.

Bane of Tyranny - Siegebreaker tree: I think this damage is higher than it's supposed to be or not calculating properly. If I have 18% block it seems to be giving 18x50=900 added damage. Maybe it's supposed to be 0.5 like the Brutal Imposition node next to it? I equip this and become a god.

Secure Parry - Siegebreaker tree: Seems to be calculating wrong. With 10 stacks my HP regen is almost 2x my actual health total. So every tick of hp regen resets my life total to full. I equip this and become and unkilllable god.

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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