Bugs BUgs BUGs BUGS!!!!!!

OMG... is this thing finished? Where do i start? I've only played the game multiplayer so all these bugs are in multiplayer mode.

1). Why in the cut scenes does the 2nd player show up as a floating weapon?
2). Why when you try and hit a destructable object does your character try and hit the object when it is out of range?
3). Dad died and quit out to the desktop by mistake... when he came back in none of the spots on his map worked anymore? Couldn't teleport anywhere.
4). Why when you do a side quest... and you kill the boss does the rewards window pop up covering everything... leaving remaining monsters to attack you?
5). When you speak and it shows your avatar... Why is it all grayed out and pathetic looking?
6). Why can't the 2nd character teleport to the location of the first?
7). Dad and i killed Edric and went to the castle to talk to the king... blah blah blah thanks... got a level up and the interface stopped working. Couldn't exit palace through door, couldn't teleport out with map or couldn't apply skill points.
8). Dad managed to jump using one of his attacks into an area where you get trapped unless you have enough rage to jump back out.
9). Animations not playing correctly in Boss battle (Edric)
10). Sooooo many little things that would just make all the difference to this game... Look at Diablo III and it's interface PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

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Created: 4 years ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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