Bugs in boss fights acts I and II

Dear dev team of Wolcen,

first of all congrats on the release of your game, I hope all of you have been able to get some sleep since release.
I have been playing the game for a bit now and really enjoy the ideas behind it (avid arpg fan) and think it has the potential to be one of the best in the genre (big compliments there). However, as you are probably well aware, there are still some major bugs I have ran into which should be corrected asap. The major once I encountered were at the act bosses of Act I and II, Edric and Lambach. I play a lightning tempest build (or however you call it haha).

Act 1 boss: Edric,

-The platform on the first and second phase is not always stable with respect to aether walk. It would happen several times that if I would aether walk to the edge of the platform, I would either get stuck up until the waist in the platform or fall of of it completely. Once I had fallen off, I would restart in the capital, but the boss fight would not reset. Overall a bit weird.
-Sometimes Edric would spawn outside of the platform in either phase 1 or phase 2, which caused the fight to stale, and I had to exit the game in order to reset it.
- Edric's charge attack in phase 2 was sometimes a bit buggy, and the sword swing sometimes appeared to have a way larger hitbox than it should have.
- Aether walk as of now does not seem to work as a true teleport but more as a dash, for example in the third phase if you want to evade Edric's opening swing you cannot teleport behind his back as you will still get hit by it. I don't know if this is the way it is supposed to work (it works more like a dash now, as far as I can tell).
- Edric's body vanished after the fight in my case.

Act 2 boss Lambach:

  • Lambach sometimes does not reset her phase 2 platform if you get killed by her and run through phase 1 again. There will still be blood on the floor and and if you died during her positioning check, the white ring will be permanently there as well during that attempt. It sometimes keeps stacking so if you die twice it will have the blood on the floor in phase 2 of the first and second attempt (sometimes filling the floor completely).
  • It is annoying you cannot skip her opening conversation (before she lights up with the yellow star).
  • MOST ANNOYING: there seems to be an untelegraphed one-shot move (at least for my character) in phase 2, which usually occurs right after Lambach spawned mobs. I would die instantly without any seeming action from her part, either when I'm walking, teleporting and even dodging. It does not seem to be one of her sky-punches, as these usually do not take away all my hp and cannot hit me when I keep walking the stage. It also happened a few times right after she comes back of her defensive shell. As you can understand it is most frustrating for a player if you almost downed her and then get hit by a move you cannot see coming/evade or time out. I currently just try and pop my ult when I feel it is going to happen, but sometimes I die right after ulting also without any apparent reason.

Apart from this there is also the issue of optimization. I run a geforce 950 GTX (4GB), intel HQ 6700, 16 GB Ram laptop, and despite trying everything on my end to increase performance, the fps is rather low (35-45 fps). Especially weather effects (rain and lightning) seem to significantly drop it, sometimes even to 20-25. I have all my settings at the lowest, no vsync, anti-aliasing or anything (although vignetting keeps checking itself on) and I would like to be able to play on 60 fps. I know my system is not a powerhouse anymore, but it is still well above the minimum specs, so I hope that this could be possible with low graphics settings in the future.

Finally what is making the game a bit harder than it should be as well is input lag. I find in general that the game reacts very slow to casting spells as opposed to dodges rolls. If I want to use my aether walk I really have to time my teleport far in advance in order to be able to use it as an evade tool. Dodge on the other hand seems to react more fluently to input, but hey I'm a spellcaster and I specced into the infinite aether walk. Input lag is also extremely noticable when selling items (right-clicking) at the the vendor.

I hope this helps you debug a bit more, my apologies is if it is long but I wanted to be thorough and help a bit making this game the best it could be. Again congrats on a project that clearly has so much heart put into it (a rare sight in the gaming industry these days). I hope you can for sure get back to the Lambach bugs. In the meantime I will try to grind her out and see it as an extra challenge.


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Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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