Bugs 101

Dear Wolcen team, here are some of the bugs i have found in the first 10 hours of play:

-Hit boxes, they are a complete mess, in the little flying monsters its a complete joke try to hit without auto attack.
-Trying to revive after dead, nearly 80% time i cant push space to revive no matter if i have attempts remaining or not, the game doesn't recognize the button.
-Dupe gold earning (not gonna explain how to do it, you know because it was reported on beta).
-In some situations the hits take 1-2 seconds to be recognized by the server (complete random).
-Stash deleted after changing acts (mostly it seems between 2-3)
-Act 2, Creeping Shadows Quest, Talk to Zima its impossible due to Zima not having the "star" on top of the head.

-Pets remain still no matter if you are attacking something (the far away the target is).

-Shield leeching resets the total shield when it reaches its maximum.
-Parasite spell, after finishing channeling on mob and rezz it to my service the channeling continues but doing the damage to me until i drop to 1 hp and then stops (2 times as right now)
-If a quest objective complete window(reward) pops while you are channeling a skill(annihilation) you get stucked channeling that skill.

-Sometimes when i open inventory windows i have to "click" inside" to be able to see the stats on items.(its like the focus its not in this window)

-Act I final boss, 2 of the times i was fighting in the air, no platform draw after the first cutscene.

Will try to maintain this as i progress into the game, so feel free to reply with your own bugs guys and ill add into this one.

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Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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