Bugs so far

This is just a short list of bugs I have ran into so far. Not including the server issues/crashes/DCs of course.

Having to click an item 5+ times to loot.
Not able to attack flying enemies but they are still able to attack me.
Character moves while selecting quest rewards or items when shop is open.
Enemies rubber band while trying to hit them.

I know there are more but I can not think of them at the moment. I will post more later when I can actually get in game...

Also please post on here and on Steam about taking the servers down. The vast majority of your player base DOES NOT use twitter. IF it is posted on here then it needs to be more readily accessible. Communication with your playerbase is key to keeping a healthy relationship. This is not a good note to start on....

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

i get same bugs as You did. specially flying enemies with wrong location. ill write more when hit

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

I also have these issues sometimes and I'll add in the force shield leech mechanic is not working and instead resets your force shield.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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