Bugs that make the game less playable

Greetings Wolcen-Team,

First of all, congratulations to the official release, I've been playing Wolcen since the Umbra-Title and I like the way it goes so far, related to the basic game-content. There are still a lot things that can or should be fixed but I think you already know that. Let's start with a list of bugs or improvements from my POV that i found while playing after release.

1 Input
By input i mean the use of skills,(the ultimate (R)), potions and the dodge-ability.

when you spam a skill like "Phantom Blades", you are stuck in using it and you're blocked from interrupting it and you can't run away.

sometimes the use of the health-potion is blocked by simply walking, thats a breakdown for survivability. there also is no "limit", that means you can still use it even if your health is full. What i automatically do after realizing that my potion is not working is spamming Q (default), that results in an empty potions in seconds.

a use while dodging or using a skill is almost impossible but would be a massive bonus to survivability (e.g. while using a charging skill).

the animations going into the ultimate and leaving it are bugged sometimes or there is no animation, feels kinda weird and irritating.

dodge is not going through enemies, can you enable it somehow or do you wanna keep it as it is? some builds don't use another movement skill, that would also be pretty helpful for the survivability

2 Spawns
when you enter a second/third map (from Mandates Board), in some areas you will get attacked instantly by monsters spawning next to you, if you're not aware it can be hard to handle and you'll die, again. i think there should be a monster-free area in the first 10m/20m or something like that.

3 Hitboxes
some hitboxes, most likely from underlings and/or flying enemys are not working for auto-attacks, you can't click them. they still take damage from skills that don't need a targeting but are not able to be targeted by auto attacks or skills like Blood for Blood.

4 Apocalypse-Shrines
if I'm correct, these are the shrines that spawn the white globes to fill your entire ultimate-bar, but why will it spawn (in solo/duo-party) like 20 globes when the bar is filled after collecting 2 or 3 of them? you can collect all of the 20 globes but its not necessary, there also is no limit such like the health-potions.

5 my personal suffering
mark of impurity needs a bigger range, not even with runes, just a higher base range and you should work on the mark itself because sometimes you see the mark almost inside the enemy, sometimes like 50m ahead his model. kinda irritating when you hear the sound of casting it but you don't see the mark ...

Thanks for reading and keep up the good work!

p.s. i got some screenshots but picture-links are not working on your forums, so here are the viewer-links

visual bugs

i died the 3rd time, see what happened (no. 2 is a locked move arrow location)

spawn bugs

a disgusting skill (this skill keeps following you halfway through the map and removes the dodge charges. the skill often spawns from a sickle guy, even after he gets killed)

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues


Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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