
Noticed a few things while playing

1) friendly bars should be blue (at least not red)
2) mouse over inventory items is buggy (doesnt always show info, doesnt always show compare item)
3) targeting - im not even sure how to sum this up, but i feel more frustrated trying to target (especially melee) than i do in Diablo. I have also noticed that even tho i click an outlined item (to destroy or attack) that it will not always path to it correctly making some clicks do nothing, when something is expected. This also presents a problem because actions are queued, meaning, as a button smasher, this makes things unpredictable. I need my potion now, oh no 2,2,2,2... sometimes i get no drink, sometimes i get two... this is all based off of the queued actions, and action time, I feel like a potion should override that. This one i find pretty major since it makes gameplay pretty tough for melee based guys.
3.1) I feel like if i hold the mouse down on a target, it should always attack that target (moving me, or attacking to hit that target) and when that target dies, i should be able to keep on holding, and have it move/target the next closest target. I feel like i mad man with the mouse. especially when those little zoom guys rush at you, its such a pain to fight a group of them as melee and as range its cake... all due to targeting..
4) Missing features - i assume some of this will come at release, but things like showing me the difference between gear?
5) Not sure if this is a bug but i find it impossible to figure out what a % change does. for example if i have a weapon with 5-6 shadow dmg, and a 10% boost to occult, that doesnt seem to be reflected on the weapon as the raw dmg is, and i havent been able to detect a change in over all dmg that would account for it.
6) key mapping - i've seen other posts about key mapping... but for me, it would be nice to have two bindings (mouse and keyboard mostly). Because of item 3, i often use the "attack in place" key, but with the default being ctrl (or shift? i forget) it was terribly uncomfortable, so i moved it to the mouse back button, which is mostly fine but having both keys work would be even better (arthritis is a bitch)

all in all i love this game and cant wait to play the rest!

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

7) when the party is dead, kill the timer/party, no point in waiting (cant self revive)
8) a few times now, the person joining the party, has had issues with inventory not showing (or really any interaction, selling, etc)
9) twice now, i saw spots (dont recall where sadly) that i wasnt able to cross a line, i had to do a special move to get over it. I've also seen mobs get stuck on lines like this too
10) sell all (all white, all blue, etc)
11) when selling enneracts i can click the lady, and right click the spell to sell, however if i attempt to do the same action with gems, im told the gem doesnt have a gem to remove (acting on the current action selection, rather than detecting i can pull a gem from a gem, and instead selling)

(Edited 4 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

12) when joining a multiplayer game, if im in party but not in game, and i change my char it retains my previous char, i have to leave party change char (i load, not sure if i need to) and then drop and join back in....

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback and report these issues :)

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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