Can you do something Good FOR ONCE!?

Welcome to Wolcen Where we add patches over the night without no testing or anything Perks (Players do get to play maps and clear 80% 90% of the map and suddenly at the final pack of mobs they get to have a splendid game crash due to our 2000 iq game fixes we do hope you enjoy) Can you for fucking sake stop messing around with the game to the point you will fucking make it unplayable, atleast have the decency of testing wtf you are adding if something,Please whatever you fucked up on your great 1.0.7 patch to quick fix what could of been fixed in 0.6 please do fix this shit cause the game just crashes for alot of players for no reason and it suddenly freezes (if you want to do an update please for the love of God fix this asap!!)

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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