Can't do damage to mobs with bow and skills in act 3. (online)

I recently finished act 2 and started doing act 3, then i noticed that my basic bow attacks and some of my ranged skills are not doing any damage (maybe every 4th-5th attack does) to mobs, even tho i hit them, they don't suffer the damage (no, not because they have a shield or something). I don't think that this is a feature, it looks like a pretty heavy game breaking bug, so it would be awesome if you could fix this ASAP.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

same here.... my thread:

Thanks for fixing that. it is unplayable at the moment with ranger in act3

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Coop Mode Only Tested`

Same here, Act 3 starting area, unable to hit enemies and the last enemy of the 1st wing was particularly troublesome, with less than 10% of the shots registering (dome shield guy). It was reminiscent of the bats from act 1.

Bow only character (level 34)

Abilities that did not work: * Auto attack (with Attack In Place or without) * Gunslinger (10 shot spec)

Abilities that worked: * Auto-turret (Shotgun AOE spec) * Havoc Orb (2 Orbs + grenades spec)

Both parties were connected to EU London with 16-18ms Latency and the other party was the host.

Safe to say we won't be returning until this issue is sorted out.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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