Can't progress past Maelys in Online

Hi all

After newly creating a character i'm not able to progress in the story line/game.My quest tells me to speak to Maelys. After speaking to her I only receive one line of speech and afterwards my quest doesn't progress. I am able to create a character in offline mode and progress normally.

Some differences I noticed offline vs online.
Maelys' speech bubble doesn't have the square play button (skip) option normally located in the top right corner of her speech box.
Eldrich, the main NPC character is not loaded into the game along with me.
I'm not given the option to skip the opening cut scene.
I can't skip the opening cut scene.

I have tried the steam integrity check.

Replies: 3

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Thank you for providing us with these details, we're trying to reproduce this issue on our side without success and these details might help our programmers figuring that out.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Just to follow up, If i join a friend's new game we can progress through the intro. My online character doesn't retain any of the experience or equipment I earned playing with him though. I'm forced to play through the intro when i try to play with the online character again, at which point i'm stuck at the same introduction quest. I can trade with my friend but he can't send a trade to me. He noticed I go offline when i join his game even though i'm clearly moving around and playing with him. When I load into game i'm without any equipment or even starter skills.

(Edited 4 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Still have the bug. I uninstalled and reinstalled and it worked but my character was kicked out of online play after about 1 minute. i closed and relaunched the game and I now have the same bug. Help! I seriously can't play online at all... could this be a connection issue that is causing the game not to load properly? I don't have the initial tutorial popup either.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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