Certain colour drops can be consumed indefenitely

I've so far found out that i can consume "Dusty Pink" even when i already unlocked it, or not?
Because there is no other way to see what colour we already unlocked, it's hard to tell if the colour doesn't get saved or not.

Would be nice if you can look into this and maybe give us mouseover-names for our colours in the vanity-window.

Replies: 1

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Hi SpeedFreak3,

I actually requested the colors of dyes on mouseover months ago and I am still hoping they add that information in. I do know that when you use a dye it should save it to you profile and not let you use it again, but it could be a bug. It is more likely that you just keep seeing multiple pinks (I myself can't seem to escape green so far this chronicle).

Now for a list of all of the dyes colors. Here is a Google Sheet with as much information about dyes as I have tested: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r1vXv5Iagqoe0P1YT1gSwugOgneh3J9bfZQmRQmZzLA/edit?usp=sharing
I originally got this from another player, but have done a LOT of work on it to make it more up to date (including added in the rarity of dye colors when found).

If anyone finds any of my missing dyes and can confirm the rarities, I would appreciate it!

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

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