Charecter pointing in wrong direction during online play with friend.

I have been able to reproduce the following bug only during online play specifically with a friend. When I am on my own it doesnt seem to trigger.

BUG: During online play the direction which my charecter is pointing on my screen does not match up with the direction the server thinks I am pointing.

For Direction I will use Nort/South/East/West where North is pointing directly up from my charecter

EG. I hit with "anvil of woe" to the North of my charecter but my friend reports that my charecter is pointing South West and hitting down south West. Mobs are accordingly taking damage only to the south west of my charecter. My friend reports that my charecter is permanently pointing to the South West on his screen no matter what I do.

Let me know if I can supply further info, really like this game but this is a complete game breaker since i cant use certain skills.

Offline play works fine.

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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