
Dev Team -

I'm not sure this has been asked or even addressed, but since I have not seen anything on Steam or Wolcen forums I am going to assume not. I'm sure you guys are nose down working on the issues. However since many things broke. Why wasn't a rollback to considered? Me and my friends could at least play, although still buggy. We were forced to stop playing due to bugs like pistol shots and abilities not even connecting with enemies among other things.

The other main issue that might be beneficial to everyone is communicate with the community. Let us know where you stand on fixing the game breaking issues. Also put less emphasis on nerfing/adjusting the power of abilities and prioritize making the game functional. With an ARPG that doesn't focus on PvP worrying about skills doing too much damage or damage done that is not intended should be the last thing on your mind while you have people that are losing items, gold, not able to play end game due to a lack of enemies, non-working Gate nodes, etc. I know it's not realistic to ask for ETAs, but try to give us a rough idea of when you hope to start targeting hotfixes or patches. Again back to my original point, I think just some form of communication, even a locked announcement thread, would help a lot of us just know what to expect. Just my 2 cents and opinion.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

j'avais fais un message du même type là :

et je ne suis pas le seule, malheureusement jamais eu de réponse ou de réaction. a croire que le coronavirus a eu raison d'eux!

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago


Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

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