Constant Crashes!

I have been stuck at Expedition lvl 127 for 3 days now. this has been down to a combination of the following problems:

  1. Lag
  2. Can't form groups.
  3. Cant connect to your game.
  4. On the last stage of your expedition and the game crashes, literally the boss is about to fall over and then the game crashes and you loose all progress (this one is my personal FAVOURITE)

Now I know there will be a few people who will say if you have nothing good to say about the game then just simply stop playing, stop being so toxic, the devs are trying etc, etc.

But in counter argument to that: When did it become unacceptable for a Consumer to purchase a product, and for the consumer to expect that product to deliver. Its not like the devs were unaware that their product would require a substantional amount of testing before release, that their product would be mostly an online affair(and be prepared for such) I realise that in todays current climate its become the excepted norm for products to be released in, incomplete or buggy states, but is that something any of us should be ok with. More to the point should the devs be ok with releasing a product that clearly could do with a lot more work and polish on it.

With that all being said I would like it noted for the record that when the game runs as intended and desired, its an obsolute joy. I love how i started out as a typicall warrior, to a ranger and at present a mage. All done on the fly and very quickly and easily. Im not bothered at present that some nodes dont exactly work as intended and that some builds arent desireable as their damage output is lacking, because I believe the foundation for these options and more are there just waiting for us to mess around with. But the foundation the game is built on is shakey at best and at its worst a disaster.

In the meantime keep working on the fundamentals and this game could be stellar.

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 1 month ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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