Cosmetic Inventory lost

Hello Team,

After finishing Act 1 and starting Act 2, I completely lost all my Cosmetic Inventory content.

All armor and weapon appearances, and also all dyes have disappeared, except the appearances of my current stuff (+ one or two more that I unlocked since then, during the few minutes I played after discovering this bug). Currently, my character "wears" her appearance saved before this issue occurs, while the armor pieces appearances are no more included (= unlocked) in her Cosmetic Inventory. Quite an aberrant situation !...

Character name : Valhyndra
Game mode : online
Game version (when issue occurred) :

This functionality correctly worked during the whole Act 1. It only occurred during Act 2, at the same time the bug with vault inventory (content rollback <-> up-to-date) occurred too.

This bug is really (really !) unpleasant and ruins my whole game with this character. Reason why I stopped to play, until this bug may be fixed.

Thanks in advance to take this report into account.

Best regards

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues


Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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