Crash / foced shut down

If there is one bug to fix it would be this one... how do you want us to play if your game make our PC crashed every now & then (usuely after 60 mijutes).
I have the issue offline & online & I lost my character 2 or 3 times already (offline mode).
To be honest all I want to do is take your game and put it in the trash, that's that or throwing my PC through the windows ... xD.
Anyway fix your game fast or give me my money back.

By now I'm sure the dev team has seen the plethora of extensive complaints. Passive tree not working, weak or useless skills, mob density, horrible drops (especially uniques), etc. My question is...are they even responding to all the people who are getting pretty pissed? Why not address it and let us know the plan? The longer we get no response, the more it looks like a cash grab. Just my two cents,

Serious Damage Nuff

Serious ALL Monsters Strong

I can't play games

Serious Dungeon game foced shut down

I bought too much money.

Forced to end in last dungeon 10+ I can't clear it.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

2nd this!
Something is seriously wrong when the game HARD crashes your PC... FIX IT ASAP

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Jep! After every Expedition, when I am in town and moving a few steps, the game is crashing totally...

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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