Crash in town after expedition on moving

Bug Description: On returning from expeditions the game will crash within moments of you starting to manually move.
Possible Cause: Solarfall seems to be the general consensus as to the reason this particular crash is happening.
Testing: I've been running Solarfall on my build and getting fairly consistent crashes on returning to town and moving. A friend also playing is also running Solarfall and getting no crashes. We compared points in Solarfall and found that the only real difference we had was in the very first point Punishing Brilliance. On swapping that point out I was able to successfully complete two expeditions with no crash in town.
Possible Suspect: Solarfall > Punishing Brilliance (Damage dealt by the area of effect increases over time.)

NB: I have not been able to confirm it is the cause of the crashes yet or even 100% confirm removing this point is a fix but so far it seems to have been the cause. I have however only done two runs with it replaced, both had no crash on returning. Testing involved swapping the point out and then restarting the game before doing an expedition. Expedition level was 166 I believe, only the first level was run both times.

EDIT: Just experienced the same crash after doing a full 166, looks like the possible fix is a bust sorry all :(

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

i think you find the thing that destroy my last 5days lol after reading your post i just done 5expe without Punishing Brilliance on solarfall and i didn't crash right now, i'm gonna do more expe to see if i'm just lucky or not

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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