Delay/lag/synch error

Hey guys!

Since the last patch a lot of things broke. But the thing that is bugging me(pardon for the pun), is that since the patch there is a half or 1 sec delay sometimes. On dodge rolls, moving, using skills. I have constant 30 or less ms ping. No spikes or anything. But it feels like if i roll, it doesnt register it quickly enough on server side. Im already FAR away from danger on my viewpoint but the boss still kills me with an area effect skill that is at the location i dodged from before. Im not standing in any skill effect or anything, i just die. The boss randomly teleports or moves or charges backwards. Clearly hitting fireballs not registering damage numbers and because im using burning dmg it doesnt stack. Mostly its when im meeting expedition bosses. Like i have said. no lagg spikes or high ms spikes.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

noticed this as well today. In my case it was anomaly that didnt go off at times, and the dodge roll thing as well.

Created: 4 years, 4 months ago

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