Disconnect every. single. time. I see this boss

Idk what the name of the boss is. He is a big demon, those huge horns in a spider pattern on his back, he can teleport, grasp you and teleport you as well. I literally, today, installed a fresh Windows 10 build, downloaded Steam, re-installed Wolcen and this is happening.


I cannot do dungeon crawls. If I see this boss and he shoots out his big straight ice beam the game stops. Everything stops. YOU HAVE BEEN DISCONNECTED FROM THE SERVER. This is infuriating. That's 7500 gold down the drain, FIVE TIMES. 10-30 minute dungeon crawls down the drain. FIVE TIMES.

I just uninstalled the game. I will reinstall .. ONCE. If this doesn't fix it I am done. I don't mind bosses spawning off the map or random 1 shot kills from time to time, I actually work in the video game industry so I understand bugs. Trust me, my team has a million of them. But for my playing experience to be completely ruined on something that I can 100% reliably repro.. nah man, fuck that. I am actually pissed off at how much XP I lost, how much time I lost, and the gold I lost. If this reinstall doesn't fix it then I'm straight up not playing this game anymore. That shit is unacceptable from a dev.

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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