Disconnects and Getting Stuck in Terrain

I have been enjoying parts of this game and so I've tried to be patient with the MANY bugs present in the game. However, the hundreds of thousands of gold, and tens of thousands of PA, that I've lost to disconnects is beyond old. I have a great PC with top tier internet. I don't have this issue with anything else accept this game.

Additionally, when I am not disconnecting, I am losing more gold, PA, and time getting stuck in terrain or the air. Sometimes it is a bug with a skill, other times enemies just knock or teleport me into the terrain. The only way to get out is to log out of the game.

This is ridiculous guys, can you please do something to make it so that so many attempted runs aren't a waste of time in this game? One of the ideal things about an ARPG is that, if you are short on time, you can log in, do a few runs, and have a chance to get something good. With the game as it is now, you have to hope to actually get through an entire run. I've put a lot of time in so far on good faith that things would get better. I spent weeks dealing with stash issues and now this. Doesn't make for a great experience.

Replies: 0

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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