Duplicate player models on map in certain locations

There is a strange bug that I've seen in two different places. It only happens when you visit these areas a second time after playing through them the first time. The first is the area in act 1 where you walk past that big broken robot that's laying off to the left hand side. I think it's the overlook 2 waypoint possibly (I'm going off of memory). During subsequent visits to this location you'll see two models of your character standing on top of one another with arms outstretched. It's like someone left references to the character model in the map data while editing that area at some point. The second is in the Cordanon’s Outskirts area. If you revisit that area via the waypoint, as soon as you walk down the set of stairs made of bone you'll see 4 models of your character standing there with the same weapon you have sitting on the ground at the feet of them. Again, probably references to the character model that someone left there while editing the map. There are possibly other locations with this same type of issue but those are the only two places that I've seen it.

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

I just want to add that the two models in act 1 are standing directly in front of the broken robot facing him. I forgot to mention that.

(Edited 4 years, 3 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

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