Entering dungeon bug

While entering a "dungeon/cave" in an expedition I am often times unable to move for a good 10-30 seconds. If I use the light bringer ability while in this "frozen" state I leave the screen and never return. This is not a new bug. It has been around since launch day. Please look into it and if possible let us know if you are even aware of all these issues. Knowing these things are getting addressed would put a lot of us at ease. I will continue to post here every time I encounter a new bug. Which I expect is going to be A LOT. Being as how the game is in a very buggy state atm.....

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

It happened once again. But this time it was while exiting a cave/dungeon. I spawned into the zone inside a rock and when I used my light bringer skill I left the screen and never returned. Please let us know you are at least aware of these issues and are in the process of fixing them. A lot of these bugs are literally game breaking.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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