Event Triggers can be Improperly Tripped if a Player is Moving to Fast

Some event triggers can be fired out of sequence if a player is too fast and blows past the cutscene/dialog/other trigger for the main storyline. This locks the current progression and requires a lobby restart to progress further.

Most notably, this was seen before the Mercy fight when one of our players exceed the speed of light and zoomed past the trigger for that one girl in a cage (whose name none of us recoded while we where playing as we where all so horrified at the disgusting speed boost). Reloading the lobby properly reset the progression and allowed us to continue.

Love you, muah
The bois at Aisle Seven

Replies: 1

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

The entire story is plagued by event triggers not getting triggered.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

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