Expedition without enemies / Expedição sem inimigos

In English

I have patience and understanding, I have 197 hours of play. The problem is that there are limits to everything.

The game was released on February 13th and we are on February 29th. There are 16 days of frustrations and little fun.

The colleagues who have played with me, only talk about the problems of the game, more than half have abandoned and uninstalled the game.

Anyway, my complaints are as follows, first, sometimes the enemies don't appear on the map, sometimes the enemies appear insufficiently to be able to close the floor and this usually happens on the third floor.

I am posting a video showing this flaw in the link below.

Another problem is that the monsters appear inside the land or the character itself appears inside the land when teleporting using the portal or magic.

The servers' delay, the constant connection drop,

As I said, the frustrations are bigger than the fun. I'm posting my claim on the forum and official disagreement with the game. I hope the team of developers will fix this as soon as possible, otherwise they will lose another member of the community and another uninstall of the game.



Expedição sem inimigos

Paciência e compreensão eu tenho, estou com 197 horas de jogo. O problema é que para tudo existem limites.

O jogo foi lançado no dia 13 de fevereiro e estamos no dia 29 de fevereiro. São 16 dias de frustrações e pouca diversão.

Os colegas que tem jogado comigo, só conversam sobre os problemas do jogo, mais da metade já abandonou e desinstalou o jogo.

Enfim, minha reclamação são as seguintes, em primeiro lugar, as vezes não aparecem os inimigos no mapa, as vezes os inimigos aparecem de forma insuficiente para poder fechar o andar e isso acontece geralmente no terceiro andar.

Estou disponibilizando um vídeo mostrando essa falha no link abaixo.

Outro problema são os monstros aparecerem dentro da terra ou o próprio personagem aparecer dentro da terra quando se teleporta usando o portal ou magia.

O delay dos servidores, a constante queda de conexão,

Como eu disse, as frustrações estão sendo maiores do que a diversão. Estou postando essa minha reclação no forum e discord oficial do jogo. Espero que a equipe de desenvolvedores corrija isso o mais breve possível, caso contrário, vão perder mais um membro da comunidade e mais uma desinstalação do jogo.


Replies: 5

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

Same problem here.... Need a fix URGENT!!!!!!!!

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

please fix this. It's really annoying when it happens and it ends up with all the fun.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Same here...
In general, expedition needs more enemies, it is so boring to walk without an enemy, and only find small groups with max 10 mobs...

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

Yes, the same thing just happened to me. There wasn't enough monsters on the 3rd level of an expedition to complete it. Had to return to main menu and abandon it.

Semi-related-- there is also the bug of being clipped through the floor of an expedition and being unable to move or get back up. This tends to happen after being displaced or pulled by an elite in some way.

Created: 4 years, 3 months ago


Created: 4 years, 3 months ago

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