Few things I noticed playing my way through campaign

First of all, thank you for this great game, I got stuck on Act 2 and Act 3 bosses but loved the game play, really did enjoy it the entire time, even with the odd bugs.

1. Bug: All acts, upon killing enemies, while clicking to continue moving, character would run in place, unable to move, like the dead bodies or enemy boxes were still there, after death, not letting me run past.
2. Bug: In Act 2, there was a few times when loading into the incubation maps, I would load into the levels and my character would load into a structure, I did notice, it happened mostly from the way point at the very end, and going to the previous area to grind some levels was when it happened most.
3. Bug/Glitch? Act 3, the fight where Heimlock is 'fighting off the powers' and you need to fight off the enemies and then the 3(or 2?) shock troopers load in and then Heimlock is SUPPOSED to stand up and kill them, but my first 5 times on that play-through I was getting insta-killed by them, wasn't for awhile after reloading my game that the play-through went the way it was supposed to, and Heimlock actually killed them and all I had to worry about was that boss shock trooper... I even stopped playing for a bit to search on-line about it and when I couldn't find anything on it, it made me even more angry. But anyways, it did finally proceed accordingly, but man was that that annoying getting insta-killed!

Those were the biggest glaring problems I had during my first ever play-through, again great job though, really. :)

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Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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